Purpose: To determine the effect of continuous light exposure on ocular growth and emmetropization in infant monkeys.
Methods: Nine infant rhesus monkeys were reared with the normal vivarium lights on continuously. The 24-hour light cycle was initiated between 1 and 4 weeks of age and maintained for 6 months. The ocular effects of continuous light were assessed by cycloplegic retinoscopy, keratometry, and A-scan ultrasonography. Longitudinal control data were obtained from 23 normal infants that were reared with an illumination cycle that included defined light and dark phases (either 12-hour light:12-hour dark or 8.5-hour light:15.5 hour dark).
Results: In contrast to previous studies involving light-reared chickens, no monkeys exhibited exaggerated ocular growth. There were no significant differences between treated and control monkeys in corneal radius, overall eye size, or the axial dimensions of individual ocular components. At the end of the treatment period, eight of the nine experimental monkeys also exhibited the moderate hyperopic errors (range, +1.5 to +3.4 D) that are typically found in normal animals. Aspects of emmetropization were, however, unusual for three monkeys. One monkey manifested a -0.50 D myopic error that was associated with an abnormally steep cornea but had normal axial lengths. Two additional monkeys developed persistent axial anisometropias.
Conclusions: In infant primates constant light exposure does not promote the constellation of ocular changes (in particular corneal flattening, a decrease in anterior chamber depth, and an increase in vitreous chamber depth) that has been observed in light-reared chickens. The slight variations from the expected developmental sequence observed in three infants may reflect individual differences. However, it is also possible that aspects of the emmetropization process may not operate as effectively under constant light as they do under an ordinary light/dark cycle.