Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats show endogenous depressive behavior that can be reversed by antidepressants. Given that WKYs exhibit decreased sensitivity to some antidepressants and treatment-resistant depressed patients often show hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) dysregulation, we examined the behavioral and HPT hormonal responses of WKYs to altered thyroid status. "Euthyroid" WKYs had elevated basal plasma TSH and T(3) levels as compared to Wistars. Hypothyroidism increased TSH levels more in WKYs than in Wistars and increased response latency in the open field test (OFT) of WKYs only. Administration of T(4) and T(3) suppressed plasma TSH equally in both strains. Wistars responded to increased T(3) levels with decreased response latency and increased activity in the OFT, but increased immobility in the forced swim test. In contrast, WKYs responded only to the high T(3) levels with decreased response latency in the OFT. These results suggest the existence of a decreased central nervous system sensitivity to thyroid hormones in WKYs that could be related to their depressive behavior.