While the exact mechanism of H2O2-induced cytotoxicity is unknown, there is considerable evidence implicating DNA as a primary target. A recent study showed that a cell-impermeable nitroxide protected mammalian cells from H2O2-induced cell killing and suggested that the protection was mediated through cell membrane-bound or extracellular factors. To further define the protective properties of nitroxides, Chinese hamster V79 cells were exposed to H2O2 with or without cell-permeable and impermeable nitroxides and selected metal chelators. EPR spectroscopy and paramagnetic line broadening agents were used to distinguish between intra- and extracellular nitroxide distribution. To study the effectiveness of nitroxide protection, in the absence of a cell membrane, H2O2-mediated damage to supercoiled plasmid DNA was evaluated. Both deferrioxamine and Tempol cross the cell membrane, and inhibited H2O2-mediated cell killing, whereas the cell-impermeable DTPA and nitroxide, CAT-1, failed to protect. Similar protective effects of the chelators and nitroxides were observed when L-histidine, which enhances intracellular injury, was added to H2O2. In contrast, when damage to plasmid DNA was induced (in the absence of a cell membrane), both nitroxides were protective. Collectively, these results do not support a role for membrane-bound or extracellular factors in mediating H2O2 cytotoxicity in mammalian cells.