The 36 chromosomes of the parasite Leishmania major range in size from 200 kb to approximately 2.5 Mb and variation between homologues seems to be restricted to the telomeric and subtelomeric regions. We have isolated three cosmids carrying the telomere hexameric repeat and assigned them to the extreme location of chromosomes 3, 7 and 20. When considering the distribution of repetitive sequences, Southern analysis of the three chromosomal ends indicated the existence of at least two classes of chromosomal extremities: one of them is composed almost exclusively of unique sequences and the other is characterised by patches of both reiterated and unique sequences. We devised a transfection-based strategy that allowed the determination of a map of transcripts in each of the regions examined. Sequencing of the chromosome 20 cosmid revealed the existence of a novel class of reiterated sequence, LST-R378, and 10 ORFs drawing a map of putative genes compatible with the map of transcripts.