Allergy is common and the prevalence has increased substantially in the last 2-3 decades. There has been a particular increase in severe allergic disease, including anaphylaxis, food, drug and latex rubber allergy. Provision of allergy services in the NHS is extremely poor and there is a huge unmet need. Allergy is a full speciality, but there are few consultants and few trainees. Whilst other specialists have a role in the management of allergy, it is no longer adequate to devolve most of allergy care to them. Provision of allergy care must be lead by allergy specialists so that adequate standards of care can be achieved. The lack of care leads to morbidity, mortality and substantial cost to the NHS, much of which is avoidable. There is an urgent need for the creation of more consultant posts in allergy and this requires recognition by Trust Managers, Regional Commissioners and the Department of Health.