Background: Nephroblastoma (Wilms' tumor) is the most common malignant tumor of the kidney in children but is rare in adults. The stage and histopathology of the tumor are the most important prognostic indicators. The common sites of metastasis are lung, liver and lymph nodes. Skeletal metastasis is exceedingly rare in both pediatric and adult nephroblastoma. We report an unusual case of a skeletal metastasis of adult nephroblastoma that developed nine years after the diagnosis of a typical nephroblastoma of favorable histology and that was diagnosed by computed tomography (CT)-guided fine needle aspiration cytology.
Case: Following a right radical nephrectomy for adult nephroblastoma and two local recurrences two and three years later, a 74-year-old woman presented with low back pain. CT and magnetic resonance imaging revealed lytic lesions in the 10th and 12th thoracic vertebrae. Smears prepared from specimens obtained through CT-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy were moderately cellular, with small, round cells arranged singly and in loosely cohesive clusters. These cells had inconspicuous nucleoli and scanty to moderate amounts of cytoplasm. The cells were also positive for cytokeratin and vimentin and appeared similar to areas of blastema in the original tumor.
Conclusion: A definitive diagnosis of metastatic adult nephroblastoma in thoracic vertebrae was made possible by CT-guided fine needle aspiration cytology in conjunction with clinical and radiologic findings and by using ancillary modalities, such as immunohistochemical studies.