Aims: To determine the significance of superextended lymphadenectomy (D4) in patients with gastric cancer. The incidence of para-aortic lymph node metastases (N4) was analysed as well as its relationship to the site of the tumour.
Patients and methods: The frequency of para-aortic lymph node metastases was assessed in 110 patients who underwent gastrectomy with D4 lymphadenectomy during the period from June 1988 to October 1999; five patients with plastic linitis and three with carcinoma of the gastric stump were excluded from the study.
Results: The postoperative mortality rate was 2.7% (n = 3) and the postoperative morbidity rate was 29.1% (n = 32). In our experience the most frequent postoperative complications were pancreatic fistulas (7.3%) and respiratory complications (6.4%). Among the 110 patients, the total number of dissected nodes was 5245 and the mean number of dissected nodes per case was 47.7. The total number of retrieved lymph nodes from the para-aortic station level was 639, with a mean number of 5.8 per patient. N4 nodal involvement was found in 20 (18.2%) out of 110 patients: 12 (33%) patients with a carcinoma located in the proximal third, two (6%) with a tumour located in the middle third and six (15%) with a carcinoma of the distal third of the stomach.
Conclusion: The presence of para-aortic lymph node involvement in 18.2% of the patients suggests that D4 lymphadenectomy should be considered in the curative surgical treatment of advanced gastric cancer, especially if located in the proximal third of the stomach (N4 + in 33% of the patients).