There is controversy as to whether murine definitive hematopoiesis originates from yolk sac (YS) or the intraembryonic region. This study reports the generation of definitive hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from both early YS and intraembryonic paraaortic splanchnopleures (P-Sp) on AGM-S3 stromal cells derived from the aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region at 10.5 days post coitum (dpc). YS and P-Sp cells at 8.5 dpc generated no definitive hematopoiesis-derived colony-forming cells in cocultures with AGM-S3 cells, but spleen colony-forming cells and HSCs capable of reconstituting definitive hematopoiesis in adult mice simultaneously appeared on day 4 of coculture. Precursors for definitive HSCs were present in YS and P-Sp at 8.0 dpc, a time when YS and embryo were not connected by blood vessels. It is proposed that precursors with the potential to generate definitive HSCs appear independently in YS and intraembryonic P-Sp and that the P-Sp or AGM region affords the microenvironment that facilitates generation of definitive hematopoiesis from precursors.