Assisted pregnancies have been often considered as high risk pregnancies because of several factors as increased maternal age, primary sterility, pharmacological treatments, embryos and gametes manipulation in the first weeks of life. Many studies showed high rates of perinatal morbidity (especially low birth weight and prematurity), and an increase of maternal morbidity and mortality. The present study was designed to analyse correlation between morbidity and twinning rate, and to show the distribution of birth weight in a population of neonates after assisted reproductive techniques (ART). We studied 352 newborns (168 singletons, 126 twins, 42 triplets, 16 quadruplets) from assisted pregnancies; morbidity was 7.1% in singletons, 11.9% in twins, 21.4% in triplets, raising to 56.3% in quadruplets. Our experience suggests that multiple gestations after ART seem to have an increased incidence of neonatal complications.