Fish oils contain essential polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 family. In fat malabsorption the n-3 fatty acids are poorly absorbed. Absorption may be improved by modifying the fatty acid profile of fish oil through interesterification with medium chain fatty acids. We examined the absorption of fish oil interesterified with decanoic acid in rats with normal- and malabsorption compared to a physical mixture and the fish oil itself. The interesterified fats were: 1) a regiospecific fat with decanoic acid located mainly in the sn1/3-positions and a long chain fatty acid from fish oil in the sn2-position, 2) a fat with a random distribution of fatty acids in all positions of the triacylglycerol. The main mesenteric lymph duct was cannulated for collection of lymph. In the malabsorbing rats the common bile duct was cannulated as well to divert both pancreatic juice and bile. The fatty acid composition in lymph samples collected for 24 hours was determined. Accumulated transport of n-3 fatty acids from fish oil was improved in malabsorbing rats and recoveries of fatty acids after 24 hours were improved in both rats with normal- and malabsorption administered the randomized fat compared to fish oil.