Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is widely used during heart valve replacement operations, but its clinical impact and cost-saving profile have not been studied prospectively for this indication. We investigated the clinical benefits and cost-savings of routine TEE for elective valve replacement at a regional tertiary center. We prospectively studied 300 patients (140 men; mean age [+/-SD], 66 +/- 9 years) undergoing aortic valve, mitral valve, or double-valve replacements. Transesophageal echocardiography with a biplane (in 161 patients) or a multiplane probe was performed before and after surgery. We assessed whether the TEE findings changed the operation or the postoperative treatment and the cost of TEE either as an extension of a preexisting service or as a new development. In 2 patients undergoing aortic valve replacement, significant mitral regurgitation on TEE led to additional mitral valve replacement, and in 1 patient undergoing mitral valve replacement, aortic regurgitation also required aortic valve replacement. Immediate reoperation (dehisced mitral valve prosthesis) and delayed extubation (suspected obstruction of an aortic valve prosthesis) were prompted by postoperative TEE. Extending an existing TEE service to routine intraoperative use saved up to $109 (US) per patient per year. Routine intraoperative TEE can provide major clinical benefit to a small proportion of patients undergoing elective valve replacement, and this can lead to cost savings, but only if the service can be provided without major capital investment.