During early neural development, the Nkx-2.2 homeobox gene is initially induced in the ventral ventricular zone of the central nervous system (CNS). At later stages, Nkx-2.2+ cells migrate away into the surrounding regions and co-express several oligodendrocyte marker genes. Here we report that Nkx-2.2+ cells also migrate into the avian retina from the optic nerve. These Nkx-2.2+ cells are specifically labeled by the early oligodendrocyte markers PDGFR alpha, O4 and GalC, but not the microglial marker QH1 or neuron-specific marker MAP-2. These observations provide further evidence that Nkx-2.2 is selectively expressed in migratory oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and that retina oligodendrocytes originate from the ventral diencephalon.