In a retrospective review of patients operated for coagulopathy induced spinal intradural-extramedullary haematoma the literature regarding coagulopathy induced spinal haemorrhage is reviewed and the etiology of these rare spinal subdural and subarachnoid haemorrhages is discussed. Spinal intradural haematomas are usually related to trauma or a previous lumbar puncture. A review of the literature revealed only a handful cases of spinal intradural haemorrhages occurring secondary to an underlying haematological disorder or an iatrogenic coagulopathy. Coagulopathy induced spinal haemorrhage should be included in the differential diagnosis of acute paraparesis in patients with co-existent haematological disorders or undergoing anticoagulation therapy. Due to the often mixed subdural and subarachnoid bleeding patterns we have termed this entity spinal intradural-extramedullary haematoma.