Accumulation of lipids and hyalinosis in the splenic arteries of aged dogs are frequently detected by routine histopathologic examinations. The purpose of this study was to pinpoint the localization of canine apolipoprotein B-100 (CApoB-100) and immunoglobulins (IgA, IgM, IgG) in the splenic arteries of aging dogs (n = 80) through the use of immunohistochemical techniques. CApoB-100 deposits were found in the subendothelial space, extracellular matrix, and atheromatous lesions in the tunica media of the arteries in dogs > or = 6 years of age. Foamy cytoplasm of the infiltrated macrophages was also CApoB-100 immunopositive. In dogs > or = 10 years of age, almost all central arteries were CApoB-100 immunopositive. Hyaline deposits within the wall were characterized by immunopositivity against canine IgA, IgM, IgG, and albumin. Lipid accumulation in splenic arteries may be an age-related lesion and a precursor of the atheromatous plaques associated with splenic hemorrhage and infarcts later in life. In addition, deposition of immunoglobulins, probably mediated by immune complexes, may play an important role in the development of canine vascular diseases similar to human disease.