A 21-year-old woman with a 6-year history of ulcerative colitis admitted to our hospital with chest pain, cough and fever of unknown origin in August 1998. On admission, laboratory data showed positive inflammatory signs. A chest radiograph and chest computed tomogram (CT) revealed nodular shadows in the right upper lung field. Fifty days after admission, hypertension developed and a bruit was audible in the neck and the upper abdomen. Digital subtraction angiography showed stenosis in carotid, renal and right upper pulmonary arteries. On the basis of these results, a diagnosis of aortitis syndrome was made. Moreover, these findings indicated pulmonary infarction in the right upper lobe due to aortitis syndrome. Aortitis syndrome preceded by pulmonary infarction involvement is very rare. Autoimmune disorders may have been involved in this case because of the association with ulcerative colitis.