Size estimation of myelinated nerve fibers in peripheral nerves is a very common task in neuromorphology and different dedicated morpho-quantitative procedures have been devised and used to date. Unfortunately, many reports on experimental nerve studies lack comprehensive information on the procedures that have been designed and applied for myelinated fiber size estimation. This paper addresses the issue in the light of the recent advances in quantitative morphology that have recognized the concept of unbiased estimates as the key methodological issue to be addressed in morpho-quantitative studies. The potential foundations of bias at various study levels are analysed together with indications on how to cope with them. In addition, the issue of the precision of size estimates is addressed and the various geometrical parameters that can be selected for myelinated nerve fiber size assessment are outlined. Taken together, information provided in this paper is expected to help investigators conduct an appropriate preliminary study design phase, the key step for setting up the most adequate morpho-quantitative procedure for any given research goal.