The aim of the present study is to re-update the clinical significance of vestibular papillomatosis. At the beginning of the eighties this condition has been related to HPV infection based on histological and/or molecular evidence of the virus presence and considered responsible of many cases of pruritus and/or vulvodynia. Based upon these findings a lot of clinicians have been treating this condition by laser ablation or by topical application of podophyllin or trichloroacetic acid. At present the majority of the authors believes that vestibular papillomatosis should be considered an anatomical variant of the vestibular mucosa not HPV related. Therefore HPV-DNA presence should be considered a causal rather than a causal agent. This evidence is important in defining the management of vestibular papillomatosis: the papillae are usually distinguishable from condylomata acuminata by clinical examination and biopsies or HPV testing are not necessary. According to the studies considering vestibular papillomatosis a non HPV related condition and on the bases of a series of 252 women examined, the Authors share the opinion that this clinical entity should be considered a normal vestibular findings. As a consequence no ablative treatment is usually required even if in presence of symptomatology or HPV molecular infection.