The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of continuous and discontinuous growth hormone treatment in Noonan's syndrome (NS) on linear growth and bone maturation. Thirty-seven children with NS aged between 5.4 and 17.5 y were treated with growth hormone (GH) in a dose of 0.15 IU kg)(-1) per day; 23 of these children were randomly assigned to one of 2 groups in a 3 y partly controlled prospective multicentre study. Group A (n = 8) immediately started GH treatment and after 2 y discontinued GH treatment for 1 y; group B (n = 15) served as a control group during the first year and started GH treatment after 1 y. After the 3 y study period, 17 out of the 23 children continued GH treatment. An additional 14 children (group C) were treated according to the same protocol, but without discontinuation of GH treatment. The effect of GH treatment for up to 3 y was evaluated in terms of gain in height standard deviation score (H-SDS) for calendar age and for bone age. Gain in H-SDS over the first year was significantly higher in the GH treatment group (+0.5) than in the non-treated group (+0.0); mean bone maturation was significantly faster in the GH treatment group (1.2 vs 0.5 y/y). Discontinuation in group A in the third study year resulted in catch-down growth (mean deltaH-SDS -0.2). Over 3 y of GH treatment, mean AH-SDS for calendar age was not significantly different between discontinuous (A: +0.8) and continuous treatment (B: +0.8; C: +1.2). Mean gain in H-SDS for bone age in the 3 groups (+0.2, 0.0. +0.3) was minimal after 3 y of GH treatment.
Conclusion: This study confirmed the gain in H-SDS CA in Noonan's syndrome during long-term GH treatment. However, the accelerating effect of GH on bone maturation seemed to compromise the final height prognosis.