The purpose of this study was to determine the physiologic relationship between the cardiac cycle and the nonpulsatile impeller centrifugal Taita No.1 left ventricular assist device (T-LVAD) in a chronic animal study. The relationship of the cardiac cycle, pump flow, aortic pressure, left ventricle pressure, and pump power were analyzed by 5 phases in 4 stages. The isovolumetric ventricular phase is from mitral valve closure (MVC) to aortic valve opening (AVO) and is called Stage 1. The ejection phase is from AVO to aortic valve closure (AVC) and is called Stage 2. The isovolumetric relaxation phase is from AVC to MVC and is called Stage 3. The passive filling and atrial contraction phase is from MVC to mitral valve opening (MVO) and called Stage 4. Based on evidence from the physiologic volume change of the left ventricle, the change of pump flow of the T-LVAD in a cardiac cycle by variable voltages of pump control was evaluated using animal models. After left posteriolateral thoracotomy via the fifth intercostal space under general anesthesia, the nonpulsatile centrifugal T-LVAD was implanted into 2 healthy calves. The inflow of the T-LVAD was inserted into the left ventricle through the mitral valve via the left atrial appendage. The arterial blood pressure waveform was measured and recorded on the outflow of the T-LVAD. The 4 phases of a cardiac cycle were defined as MVC-AVO (Stage 1), AVO-AVC (Stage 2), AVC-MVO (Stage 3) and MVC-MVO (Stage 4) according to the outflow pressure of the outflow of the T-LVAD and differential pressure between the outflow and inflow of the T-LVAD. We carried out the real-time waveform measurement for electrocardiogram, the outflow pressure, the T-LVAD flow and the speed, as well as open loop and constant voltage (V). In a cardiac cycle, the sensing current of the T-LVAD was inverse to the speed. The flow of the T-LVAD at the 4 stages was measured individually and analyzed with different control voltages from 10 to 18 V. The highest flow ratio of MVC-AVC/AVC-MVC was noted when the T-LVAD worked on 14 V. By using analysis methodology of the flow ratio of a cardiac cycle, the optimal physiologically effective control of the T-LVAD might be achieved.