To examine the protective efficacy of specific immune sera generated by meningococcal vaccine candidates against nasopharyngeal colonization, we developed an infant rat nasal colonization model for group B meningococcus. In this model, Sprague-Dawley infant rats were challenged intranasally in with host adapted, piliated Neisseria meningitidis group B strains H355 or H44/76 administered concurrently with iron dextran. Colonization was assessed by quantitative culture of nasal homogenates and expressed as log(10) colony forming units (c.f.u.) per nose. Three to five log(10) c.f.u. of N. meningitidis were routinely recovered from the nasal tissue up to 4 days post-challenge. Passive immunization (i.p.) of the infant rats with either PorA or whole cell antisera 24 h prior to homologous challenge resulted in a significant reduction of N. meningitidis colonization in the nasal tissues of these animals. These results demonstrate that this model can be utilized to evaluate the role of antibody to prevent the initial nasopharyngeal colonization by group B meningococcus.