The prevalence of groin hernias and genital abnormalities in children in southern Jordan was investigated. A total of 1748 boys aged 6-12 years underwent clinical examinations of the groin. Abnormalities were detected in 320 children (18.31%). Of these, 235 had indirect inguinal hernia, 37 undescended testes, 22 retractile testes, 13 hypospadias, 8 left varicocele, 4 hydrocele and 1 ambiguous genitalia. Herniotomies were noted in 56 children with failure in 2 cases. Of 4 children who had undergone orchiopexy, 2 had failed. No child had had surgery for hypospadias or varicocele. Education of the public and medical staff about these abnormalities is needed to improve the outcome.