A 26-year-old female was admitted to our hospital because of arthralgia and general fatigue. On examination, she had malar rash and arthritis. Laboratory data revealed AST, ALT and gamma-globulin elevation, antinuclear antibody and double-stranded DNA antibody positivity, and LE cell phenomenon. Liver biopsy showed marked lymphocytic infiltration and slight fibrosis in the portal areas. She was diagnosed with lupoid hepatitis, and also satisfied the criteria for SLE including malar rash, arthritis, immunologic disorder and antinuclear antibody. She was administered prednisolone, after which AST and ALT decreased. She developed psychosis and her electroencephalogram showed diffuse slow waves corresponding to psychosis by SLE. Lupoid hepatitis is frequently associated with various systemic manifestations. However, only a few cases of lupoid hepatitis satisfying the criteria for SLE associated with psychosis have been reported.