We examined the effect of oral administration of juzen-taiho-to, one of the most popular herbal medicines in Japan, on primary melanocytic tumor growth in RET-transgenic mice. There was virtually no difference between the lengths of tumor-free stages in the juzen-taiho-to-treated mice and the untreated littermate control mice. The rate of tumor growth in the juzen-taiho-to-treated mice, however, was greatly suppressed during the entire period after the initial tumor development. Correspondingly, the life span of juzen-taiho-to-treated transgenic mice was longer (over 6 mo in mean value) than that of control mice. We partially elucidated the mechanism of the antitumor effect of juzen-taiho-to. The addition of juzen-taiho-to at any of a wide range (50-1600 microg per ml) of concentrations to in vitro cultures of Mel-Ret cells, a malignant melanoma cell line derived from a RET-transgenic mouse, caused neither cell death nor cell cycle arrest directly. The addition of 50-400 microg per ml of juzen-taiho-to to cultures of murine spleen cells, however, promoted their DNA synthesis. More importantly, peritoneal exudate cells from the juzen-taiho-to-treated transgenic mice, in which the ratio and number of T cells were increased, displayed an antitumor immunity against Mel-Ret cells in vitro. Interestingly, the peritoneal-exudate-cell-associated antitumor immunity was further augmented by the addition of 200-400 microg per ml of juzen-taiho-to in vitro. This immunity, which was primarily conveyed by Thy-1+ T cells, was antigen (RET/melanoma) specific and cytotoxic. Amongst various chemical ingredients of juzen-taiho-to examined in this study, glycirrhizin displayed an action, partially replacing that of juzen-taiho-to, in promoting anti-Mel-Ret immunity when supplementarily added in vitro. These results suggest that juzen-taiho-to suppresses once-developed primary melanocytic tumors through potentiation of T-cell-mediated antitumor cytotoxic immunity in vivo.