A strain of Yeast WY-3 was isolated from wastewater sample. It is capable of utilizing methamidophos as sole nitrogen and phosphorus sources, and also capable of utilizing methylamine, ethylamine and ammonium sulfate as nitrogen sources except nitrate and hydroxylamine. The yeast could grow in medinm containing 60% glucose and was identified as Saccharomyces rouxii WY-3. The strain contains a high active acid phosphatase. The crude enzyme was applied to a plate of polyacrylanide gel for electrophoresis, then activity was detected as white single band. Inhibiting test showed that sodium fluoride could seriously inhibit the activity of acid phosphatase to release phosphorus from methamidophos, wherease it make no effect on deamination of the strain WY-3 from methamidophos. After methamidophos was degraded by strain WY-3, toxity of the pesiticide reduced obviously, and its portion intermediate, methanol and inorganic phosphorus, were deteted.