In order to determine the role of two polymorphisms in the factor VII gene (R353Q and intron 7 hypervariable region) in the susceptibility to develop early myocardial infarction, a total of 175 patients with acute myocardial infarction aged 50 years or less (mean age 41+/-7 years) and 200 controls (average age 42+/-6) without cardiovascular disease were genotyped for these polymorphisms. Gene and genotype frequencies did not differ between patients and controls. Although the 353-QQ genotype was at a higher frequency among controls (4%) compared to patients (1%), the difference did not reach statistical significance. Carriers of the H7-allele (intron 7 polymorphism) were at a slightly higher frequency among patients (51 vs. 43%; P=0.19; OR=1.36; 95% CI=1.09-1.70). Our data suggest a lack of association between both polymorphisms in the factor VII gene and early myocardial infarction in our population.