Experience in the Cromwell Hospital London, Adult-to-Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation programme is described with particular reference to the results obtained in the first five recipients. The first two of these received a left lobe graft and the remaining three a right lobe graft. Three sons/daughters, and two siblings were the donors. Four of the five recipients survived and did well. The one recipient who died was a complicated retransplant procedure. The donors showed rapid recovery of liver function with normal tests by the 10th day and with evidence of regeneration on follow-up CT volume evaluation. The value of the procedure for patients who have little chance of obtaining a cadaver organ is undoubted, but critical assessment of the recipient's clinical state is essential if success is to be obtained with a small graft and at all times the safety of the donor must remain of paramount concern, as reports to date indicate instances of donor death in adult programme.