Purpose: This study evaluates the multistaged extrathoracic esophageal elongation procedure performed on 12 babies with long gap esophageal atresia over 15 years.
Methods: Eight babies had pure esophageal atresia, 2 had proximal tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), and 2 had distal TEF. The gaps ranged between 2 and 7 vertebral bodies. Proximal esophagostomy, TEF ligation, and gastrostomy were performed initially. The proximal esophagus is elongated 2 to 3 cm each time by translocating the esophagostomy distally along the anterior chest wall at 2- to 3-month intervals. Sham-fed milk is collected in an ostomy bag and refed via the gastrostomy. The definitive esophageal reconstruction is performed at 5 to 24 months of age.
Results: Only one elongation was required in 4 babies, 2 were needed in 5, 3 in 2, and 5 in 1 patient. All patients tolerated sham feeding well. After esophageal restoration, 3 patients had minor leakage. All (12 of 12) patients had anastomotic stenosis requiring multiple dilatations, of which, 3 needed resection of stricture. Eleven patients had gastroesophageal reflux that required fundoplication. Follow-up was possible in 11 patients for 4 months to 14 years after esophageal restoration. Seven early patients are eating normally.
Conclusion: Multistaged extrathoracic esophageal elongation is effective in stretching the proximal esophagus to bridge 2 to 7 vertebral bodies.
Copyright 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company.