The data regarding the potential benefits of direct stenting in the setting of angiographically apparent thrombus-containing lesions are scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of direct stenting on the angiographic results in the setting of thrombus. We reviewed our institutional interventional database and identified 30 patients who had undergone stenting in the setting of angiographically apparent thrombus-containing lesions (33% unstable angina pectoris, 67% acute myocardial infarction). The majority of patients had a baseline TIMI 2 and 3 flow (80%). Of the 6 patients (20%) who had TIMI 0-1 flow at baseline, four of them achieved a TIMI 2 flow immediately after crossing the lesion with a 0.014 guidewire. Although the remaining 2 patients had TIMI 1 flow, as distal opacification beyond the stenosis was obtained we successfully implanted the stents directly. All stents were successfully implanted without any crossing failure or stent loss. There was no "no re-flow", with a final TIMI 3 flow rate in 93%. In 1 patient with TIMI 2 flow after stenting, TIMI 3 flow was obtained after intracoronary verapamil. In 2 patients (7%, TIMI 2 flow), a final TIMI 3 flow could not be achieved despite intracoronary nitroglycerin and verapamil. There was no stent loss and imprecise stent placement. There were no in-hospital deaths, repeat interventions or coronary artery bypass graft surgeries. However, two patients had undergone mitral valve replacement due to severe mitral regurgitation. Eight patients with recurrent ischemia had control angiography; stents were found to be patent in all 8 patients. Two patients experienced recurrent myocardial infarction (6.6%). Direct stenting strategy in thrombus-containing lesions seems to be a safe and feasible approach in avoiding no re-flow. We believe that benefits observed with direct stenting in this study should be compared to conventional stenting in the same setting with a randomized study.