The aim of this study was to evaluate dietary intakes among 575 schoolchildren and adolescents in Croatia because of the lack of data. The completely quantified Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) method was used to identify dietary intakes. Body weight, height and body fat were measured also. Daily energy intake was 95.5 and 83.3% RDA in children and adolescents respectively. Protein intake was very high in both children and adolescents (235.9 vs. 139.6% RDA). Children achieved RDAs for more micronutrients than adolescents did. Children had significantly higher cholesterol (263.7 vs. 231.3 mg) and dietary fiber intake (84.7 vs. 69.2% of the "age + 5" rule). Adolescents consumed significantly more fruit than children (324.8 vs. 204.2 g/day) did. Consumption of vegetables did not differ significantly (269.1 and 255.7 g/day in children and adolescents respectively). In more than 60% of children and adolescents, breakfast provided more than 30% of daily energy intake. Soft drinks and fast food consumption correlated in both children (r = 0.29; p < 0.01) and adolescents (r = 0.43; p < 0.001). No significant correlation was found between BMI and dietetic parameters. Percentage of body fat negatively correlated with fruit intake in children (r = -0.20; p < 0.05) and with intake of cereal products (r = -0.34; p < 0.001) and milk (r = -0.22; p < 0.05) in adolescents.