Cystinosis, an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder, is rarely diagnosed in African Americans. The disease results from mutations in the gene CTNS; at least 55 such mutations have been reported. By far the most common is a 57,257-bp deletion of Northern European origin encompassing most of the CTNS gene. We performed mutation analysis on DNA from four African American patients with cystinosis. In one individual with classical, nephropathic cystinosis, we identified a new molecular defect, i.e., a homozygous GT-->CC substitution at the +5 position of IVS 5 of CTNS (IVS 5+5 GT-->CC). The out-of-frame splicing of exon 5 creates a null allele consistent with the patient's severe phenotype. Two patients were heterozygous and one homozygous for the common 57-kb deletion allele, reflecting the admixture of African and Northern European gene pools in North America. The two African Americans heterozygous for the 57-kb deletion were also hemizygous for a 928G-->A change, associated with ocular or nonnephropathic cystinosis. These two individuals are the only known African Americans with ocular cystinosis. We conclude that the diagnosis of cystinosis should be entertained in African Americans with symptoms of the disease, and that mutation analysis for the 57-kb deletion should be considered in this group of patients.
Copyright 2001 Academic Press.