CD1d-dependent accumulation of alphabeta T cells bearing a canonical Valpha14Jalpha281 alpha-chain (Valpha14+ T cells) is thought to model positive selection of lipid-specific T cells, based on their ability to recognize CD1d-presented self glycolipid(s). However, it has been difficult to demonstrate self ligand specificity in this system, as most Valpha14+ T cells do not exhibit significant autoreactivity despite high reactivity to alpha-galactosylceramide presented by CD1d (alpha-GalCer/CD1d). To assess the role of TCRbeta chain in determining the alpha-GalCer/CD1d vs autoreactive specificity of Valpha14+ T cells, we conducted TCRalpha or TCRbeta chain transduction experiments. In this study we demonstrate, by combining different TCRbeta chains with the Valpha14 alpha-chain in retrovirally transduced T cell lines, that the Valpha14 alpha-chain plays a primary role, necessary but not sufficient for imparting alpha-GalCer/CD1d recognition. beta-Chain usage alone is not the sole factor that controls the extent of autoreactivity in Valpha14+ T cells, since transduction of TCRalphabeta chains from a high CD1d autoreactive Valpha14+ T cell line conferred the alpha-GalCer/CD1d specificity without induction of autoreactivity. Thus, heterogeneity of Valpha14+ T cell reactivity is due to both beta-chain diversity and control mechanism(s) beyond primary TCR structure.