Intramuscular (IM) electrodes have been used safely and effectively for decades to activate paralyzed muscles in neuroprosthetic systems employing functional electrical stimulation (FES). However, the response to stimulation delivered by these and any type of electrode can be limited by a phenomenon known as spillover, in which the stimulus intended to produce a contraction in a particular muscle inadvertently activates another muscle, causes adverse sensation, or triggers undesired reflexes. The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine the selectivity of monopolar intramuscular stimulating electrodes implanted in the lower limbs of individuals with motor and sensory complete paraplegia secondary to spinal cord injury (SCI) and to catalog the most common electrode spillover patterns. The performance records of 602 electrodes from 10 subjects who participated in a program of standing and walking with FES in our laboratory over the past decade were examined. Sixty percent (358) of these electrodes were "stable" (i.e., stimulated responses were consistent during the first 6 months postimplant), and 32% of all stable electrodes (113) exhibited spillover as noted in clinical and laboratory records. Common spillover patterns for eight muscle groups were tabulated and analyzed in terms of their functional implications. The beneficial (activation of synergistic muscles) or deleterious (activation of compromising reflexes, antagonists, or adverse sensation) effects of spillover were highly context dependent, with several potentially useful spillover patterns in certain phases of gait becoming undesirable and limiting in others. Knowledge of the selectivity of intramuscular electrodes and the patterns of spillover they exhibit should guide surgeons and rehabilitationists installing lower-limb neuroprostheses during the implantation process and allow them to better predict the ultimate functional usefulness of the electrodes they choose.