Background: Chemical genetics provides a systematic means to study biology using small molecules to effect spatial and temporal control over protein function. As complementary approaches, phenotypic and proteomic screens of structurally diverse and complex small molecules may yield not only interesting individual probes of biological function, but also global information about small molecule collections and the interactions of their members with biological systems.
Results: We report a general high-throughput method for converting high-capacity beads into arrayed stock solutions amenable to both phenotypic and proteomic assays. Polystyrene beads from diversity-oriented syntheses were arrayed individually into wells. Bound compounds were cleaved, eluted, and resuspended to generate 'mother plates' of stock solutions. The second phase of development of our technology platform includes optimized cleavage and elution conditions, a novel bead arraying method, and robotic distribution of stock solutions of small molecules into 'daughter plates' for direct use in chemical genetic assays. This library formatting strategy enables what we refer to as annotation screening, in which every member of a library is annotated with biological assay data. This phase was validated by arraying and screening 708 members of an encoded 4320-member library of structurally diverse and complex dihydropyrancarboxamides.
Conclusions: Our 'one-bead, multiple-stock solution' library formatting strategy is a central element of a technology platform aimed at advancing chemical genetics. Annotation screening provides a means for biology to inform chemistry, complementary to the way that chemistry can inform biology in conventional ('investigator-initiated') small molecule screens.