The purpose of our study was to describe the gross anatomy of the adult acetabular labrum and to determine its contribution to the depth, surface area, and volume of the acetabulum. Fifty-five embalmed hips were studied. Each hip was disarticulated, and standardized measurements were taken. Calculations of the acetabular articulating surface area and volume, with and without the labrum, were performed based on these measurements. Average width of the acetabular labrum was 5.3 mm (SD, 2.6 mm). The labrum was wider anteriorly and superiorly than posteriorly. The surface area of the acetabulum without the labrum was 28.8 cm2; with the labrum, it was 36.8 cm2 (P < .0001). The volume of the acetabulum without the labrum was 31.5 cm3; with the labrum, it was 41.1 cm3 (P < .0001). There was no side-to-side difference in contribution of the labrum to either surface area or volume between right and left hips. Comparison of these indices for males and females showed statistically significant differences in absolute but not relative increases.