From 1995 through 1998 the Poison Control Centre of Milan identified 7594 cases of suspected or confirmed cases of acute pesticide poisoning. Domestic use products accounted for 4483 (59%) of the cases. Of these, 84% occurred at home and 48% in children under five. The most frequently reported domestic use products were pyrethrins/pyrethroids (26%), fertilizers (19%) and camphor/naphthalene (12%). Of 3111 cases (41%) due to agricultural products, 10% were children under five and 69% were males. Half of the poisonings from agricultural products occurred at home, the remainder at workplace. The products most frequently reported were organophosphates (26%), pyrethrins/pyrethroids (9%), and carbamates (9%). These preliminary data indicate the importance of implementing prevention programs to reduce pesticide poisonings with particular reference to young children.