So far the issue of gender combination in the patient-doctor relationship has not been investigated in depth. In a cross sectional study 84 general practitioners of the Canton of Zurich were asked to give information on health problems and expectations of their patients over 55 years. Data regarding fears and expectations on the part of the physicians pertaining to their own age were assessed. Results show that cardio-circular, muscular-skeletal, fibre-tissue, urological, nutritional and metabolic system diseases as well as psychological and behavioural problems were most commonly diagnosed in older patients in general practice. Patients often had expectations not or difficult to fulfill by their physicians. Gender stereotypes appeared in the descriptions of typical older male or female patient. Female doctors characterise their patients similarly to their male colleagues. Regarding their own aging both genders reported fears of dependency. Female doctors primarily hoped for wisdom, whereas, their male colleagues wished for themselves health and more time for their own interests. Results indicate that the issue of gender combination and the competence in dealing with psychosocial problems of older patients should be given special consideration in graduate programs and continuous training of doctors.