The simultaneous occurrence of different hepatic tumors is rare. We present for the first time a concomitant manifestation of an angiomyolipoma, a focal nodular hyperplasia, a bile duct adenoma, and a cavernous hemangioma in a 63-year-old female patient. The largest of the tumors, preoperatively suspected to be hepatocellular carcinoma, was an angiomyolipoma with monotypic epithelioid histology and positive immunoreactivity for HMB-45, actin, desmin, and pancytokeratin. The significance of immunohistochemistry for the differential diagnosis of hepatic neoplasms is emphasized. Finally, a review of the literature with special regard to etiology and pathogenesis of neoplastic liver disease is given, leading to the assumption that the association of four different benign intrahepatic tumors is rather more fortuitous than pathogenetically related, despite the putative similar pathogenesis of focal nodular hyperplasia and hemangioma.