Geostatistics combined with GIS was applied to analyze the spatial variability of soil nutrients in topsoil (0-20 cm) in Zunghua City of Hebei Province. GIS can integrate attribute data with geographical data of system variables, which makes the application of geostatistics technique for large spatial scale more convenient. Soil nutrient data in this study included available N (alkaline hydrolyzing nitrogen), total N, available K, available P and organic matter. The results showed that the semivariograms of soil nutrients were best described by spherical model, except for that of available K, which was best fitted by complex structure of exponential model and linear with sill model. The spatial variability of available K was mainly produced by structural factor, while that of available N, total N, available P and organic matter was primarily caused by random factor. However, their spatial heterogeneity degree was different: the degree of total N and organic matter was higher, and that of available P and available N was lower. The results also indicated that the spatial correlation of the five tested soil nutrients at this large scale was moderately dependent. The ranges of available N and available P were almost same, which were 5 km and 5.5 km, respectively. The range of total N was up to 18 km, and that of organic matter was 8.5 km. For available K, the spatial variability scale primarily expressed exponential model between 0-3.5 km, but linear with sill model between 3.5-25.5 km. In addition, five soil nutrients exhibited different isotropic ranges. Available N and available P were isotropic through the whole research range (0-28 km). The isotropic range of available K was 0-8 km, and that of total N and organic matter was 0-10 km.