Objective: To evaluate the usefulness in diagnosis of pancreatic mass by histopathologic and cytologic examinations of fine-needle aspirates obtained under ultrasonic guidance.
Methods: In 83 patients with pancreatic mass, percutaneous fine-needle aspiration was performed under ultrasound guidance. The fluid aspirates were examined cytologically and tissue fragments examined histopathologically. The findings were compared.
Results: The rate of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of cytologic examination was 98.8%, 98.3% and 100% respectively, and that of histopathologic diagnosis was 95.1%, 93.2% and 100%, respectively. There was no false positive.
Conclusion: Both histopathologic and cytologic examinations of fine-needle aspirates of pancreatic mass are sensitive and accurate enough for the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases. They can be used with complementarity.