We evaluated the use of Clariscan 0.75, 2, and 5 mg Fe/kg body weight in six patients to determine optimal dosing for short repetition time cine imaging. Breathhold cine images were acquired in the vertical and horizontal long axes and the short axis. Blood-pool signal-to-noise ratio increased significantly in all planes (p < 0.01) but was least marked in the short axis. Myocardial signal-to-noise ratio increased by a lesser amount (p < 0.05). Myocardial to blood-pool signal-difference-to-noise ratio improved significantly in the long axes (p < 0.05) and was greatest at 2 mg Fe/kg body weight, but changes in the short axis were minor. With the 5-mg Fe/kg body weight dose, the response was reduced or reversed due to T2* effects. Visual assessment improved in all planes (p < 0.05) and was optimal at 2 mg Fe/kg body weight. In conclusion, Clariscan improves short repetition time cardiac breathhold cine imaging, particularly in the long axis planes, with an optimal dose of 2 mg Fe/kg body weight.