Objective: To study the effects of the p16 gene on tumor cell growth inhibition and cell cycle arrest.
Methods: The recombinant retroviral vector pLp16SN was constructed by cloning the human p16 cDNA into the retroviral vector pLXSN. Retroviruses with or without the p16 gene were obtained by transfecting pLp16SN and pLXSN vectors into PA317 cells. Bcap-37 human breast cancer cells were infected with these retroviruses followed by selection with G418. The expression of p16 was detected by Northern and Western blots. Cell biological characteristics, including cell growth rate, cell cycle and tumorigenesis in nude mice were assessed.
Results: Both mRNA and protein expression of p16 in Bcap-37 cells transfected with retroviral vector containing the p16 gene were much higher than that in Bcap-37 cells transfected with empty vector or parental Bcap-37 cells. Cell overexpressing the p16 gene exhibited a slower rate of growth, a higher percentage of cells in the G1 phase, and smaller tumors in nude mice, compared with parental Bcap-37 cells and cells transfected with empty vector.
Conclusion: Overexpression of the p16 gene could suppress the growth of Bcap-37 breast cancer cells by arresting the cell cycle at the G1 to S-phase.