Increased use of antibiotics has led to the isolation of multidrug-resistant bacteria, especially in intensive care units and long-term care facilities. Resistance in specific gram-negative bacteria, including Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is of great concern, because a growing number of reports have documented mechanisms whereby these microorganisms have become resistant to all available antibacterial agents used in therapy. Reduction in the selection of these multidrug-resistant bacteria can be accomplished by a combination of several strategies. These include having an understanding of the genetics of both innate and acquired characteristics of bacteria; knowing resistance potentials for specific antibacterials; monitoring resistance trends in bacteria designated as problematic organisms within a particular institution on a routine basis; modifying antibiotic formularies when and where needed; creating institutional education programs; and enforcing strict infection-control practices. Strategies appropriate for primary prevention of nosocomial resistance may differ from those required for control of existing epidemic or endemic resistance.