Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of primary gout in Shantou and Beijing area, and understand it's clinical features.
Methods: Three epidemiological studies in Chenghai downtown, and the one of study in Beijing were studied. Clinical, laboratory and radiology data were collected and analyzed.
Result: The prevalence of primary gout in Chenghai surveys was 0.17%, 0.15% and 0.26% respectively; no case of primary gout was found in Beijing survey. Among the patients, male to female ratio was 21:1; average onset age of females was significantly higher than that of males. The numbers of patient in the recent 10 years was increasing. At the first attack, the first metatarsophalangeal joint was involved among 79.7% of all cases; no fourth metatarsophalangeal joint involvement had been found. Hyperlipemia was the most common accompanying abnormal laboratory test (57.1%). Radiographic bone erosion was found in 49.4% patients, most of them, the duration of disease was over 5 years.
Conclusion: The prevalence of primary gout was higher in Shantou area than that in Beijing, and it was increasing in the recent 10 years in Shantou area. The difference of geography, climate, food and lifestyle could be responsible for the different prevalence in different area.