The role of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in the pathogenesis of vasculitis associated with MPO-specific anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (MPO-ANCA) was examined in a murine animal model. Coronary artery vasculitis was induced in C57BL/6 mice with and without endogenous MPO by intraperitoneal injection of Candida albicans-derived substances (CADS). The corresponding levels of MPO-ANCA in sera of mice with and without vasculitis were measured and compared in both wild-type and MPO-deficient animals. The MPO-ANCA titers in sera were significantly higher in mice with vasculitis than in vasculitis-negative mice, indicating that MPO-ANCA correlated with vasculitis formation. However, the increase of MPO-ANCA titers observed in sera of wild C57BL/6 mice were strongly suppressed in MPO-deficient C57BL/6 mice, accompanied with prevention of vasculitis formation. These results show that MPO acted as an antigen for MPO-ANCA production by CADS and was followed by the vasculitis formation. Vasculitis did develop in a few MPO-deficient mice, though the incidence of vasculitis was much lower in MPO-deficient mice than in C57BL/6 mice.