Purpose: A new type of self-reinforced L-lactide-glycolic acid copolymer, molar ratio 80:20, stent was developed. We evaluated the tissue biocompatibility properties of the new material.
Materials and methods: Rods made of self-reinforced L-lactide-glycolic acid copolymer were inserted into rabbit dorsal muscles and rods of latex or polyvinylchloride and silicone served as positive and negative controls, respectively. Urethral stents of self-reinforced L-lactide-glycolic acid copolymer and steel were inserted in situ via cystoscopy into the rabbit prostatic urethra. The animals were sacrificed after 2 weeks, 1, 2 and 3 months, respectively. In situ histological analysis was done. Tissue reactions around the implantation types were analyzed histologically and scored semiquantitatively. In addition, macroscopic analysis was done of the urethral in situ stents.
Results: In rabbit muscle implantation test tissue reaction to the self-reinforced L-lactide-glycolic acid copolymer stent resembled that of negative control silicone. Less than moderate chronic inflammatory changes gradually subsided after 2 weeks. Foreign materials in the tissue and the reaction to these materials began to disappear after 1 month and at 3 months were completely absent. All rabbits fitted with the stent voided normally postoperatively. Self-reinforced L-lactide-glycolic acid copolymer stents were soft, partially fragmented and easily disintegrated when touched at 2 months, and were almost completely degraded at 3 months. The material did not encroach into the urethral wall macroscopically or microscopically. No calcification on the self-reinforced L-lactide-glycolic acid copolymer stents or bladder stone formation was seen.
Conclusions: The new self-reinforced L-lactide-glycolic acid copolymer 80:20 material is safe, highly biocompatible and suited for future clinical use. It is most appropriate for preventing postoperative urinary retention after most minimally invasive thermal treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia.