Here we report the characterisation of a preparation of tetanus toxoid, adsorbed, and its calibration by 27 laboratories in 19 countries in a joint international collaborative study co-sponsored by World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee of Biological Standardization (ECBS) and the European Biological Standardisation Programme of European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM), Council of Europe. Calibration was in terms of the Second International Standard (I.S.) for Tetanus Toxoid, Adsorbed, by the established WHO/European Pharmacopoeia (Ph Eur) challenge methods. The replacement standard preparation was found to have a unitage of 469 IU/ampoule on the basis of its calibration in guinea-pigs and 496 IU/ampoule on the basis of its calibration in mice. Assessment, both within the collaborative study and as part of candidate characterisation, indicated satisfactory stability of the candidate preparation. This study also provided some information on the effect of mouse strain on potency testing of tetanus vaccines. A limited assessment of the impact of the replacement standard on testing of current production batches of vaccines was also carried out by four manufacturers. This study did not directly address the serological approaches to potency testing. However, one laboratory offered data from mouse serology assay, which gave comparable estimates to in vivo mouse bioassay. Based on the results of this study and with the agreement of participants, the candidate standard was established as the Third International Standard for Tetanus Toxoid, Adsorbed (coded 98/552) by the WHO Expert Committee of Biological Standardization (ECBS) in November 2000. The same preparation was also established as the second Ph Eur Biological Reference Preparation (Ph Eur BRP, batch no. 2) by the Steering Committee of the Biological Standardisation Programme of the EDQM and approved by the European Pharmacopoeia Commission.
Copyright 2002 The International Association for Biologicals.