The preparation and scintigraphic evaluation of the distribution patterns in dogs of a series of structurally related aminonitriles labeled with 11C is described. Carbon-11-HCN was collected in water containing carrier NaCN following 22 MeV proton bombardment of 99% N2 and 1% H2 gas mixture for 1 hr. Ten 11C alphaN-alkylaminophenylacetonitrile hydrochlorides and 12 11C alpha-N-arylaminoarylacetonitriles were prepared from 11C-NaCN and the corresponding Schiff base, Ar-CH=N-R(Ar). Those 11C aminonitriles that were administered intravenously in aqueous solution showed some initial accumulation of activity in the liver followed by diffuse whole-body distribution and some small accumulation in urine. Aqueous insoluble 11C aminonitriles, which were administered intravenously in ethanol, ether, or DMSO, showed variable initial partial retention of activity in the lungs with prominent accumulation of activity in liver and excretion in bile. Several of these compounds showed pronounced and rapid accumulation of activity in the brain. Such activity in the brain was largely cleared within 15 min. Concentration of activity in the cerebrospinal fluid following clearance from the brain was 30 times greater than blood and equivalent in concentration to that noted in bile 18 min after intravenous administration of 11C alpha-anilinophenylacetonitrile in ethanol. These results suggest the possible correlation of regional brain uptake of activity of certain 11C aminonitriles with regional brain perfusion. Use of these or similar materials could permit assessment of brain tissue morphology followed by scintigraphic imaging of the bulk flow characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid.