Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Benazepril used among the essential hypertensives.
Methods: 1 831 essential hypertensive patients aged 35 to 75 were randomly selected from a community and followed for 18 months. The level of blood pressure, status of taking Benazepril and side effects were sequencially collected.
Results: 1/3 of the patients had taken antihypertensive drug before the study and the rate of compliance was over 96%. The effective rate of Benazepril was 73.6% at three months and increased to 84.7% at 18 months. Comparing with the baseline data, SBP and DBP declined 10.8 mmHg and 6.7 mmHg respectively. The rate of side effect was 22.7%. Cough was most commonly seen among side effects. The peak of first recording on side effect occurred at three months including 60% of them mild.
Conclusion: Results showed that Benazepril had good efficacy and safety for the essential hypertension patients in a long-term observation.