Summary. The endometrial carcinoma (EC) is the fourth common malignant tumor in women with a reported incidence for Germany of 24.5. The prognostic evaluation shows an overall five-year survival of more than 76 %. The histopathologic report should include the tumor type in detail with special consideration of serous-papillary, clear cell and endometrioid type. Stage T2 a and T2 b should only be diagnosed with clear-cut invasion of endocervical glands or the cervical stroma. In most cases of positive endocervical curetting, endmotrial carcinoma has been dislocated during fractional curetting and represents no indication for advanced surgery (Wertheim-Meigs-procedure). Special reference should be made on isthmic carcinoma, because there is a combination of lymphatic drainage of the cervix and corpus uteri. Well established prognostic factors are surgical tumor stage (pTNM-system), pelvic lymph node metastases and tumor grading. Molecular biologic and cellkinetic parameters should be used for research purpose only.