Aims: The aim of this study was to report prognostic factors, end-points of local recurrence, distant recurrence, post-metastasis survival, and overall survival in a cohort of patients with soft tissue sarcomas.
Methods: We analysed a database of 395 patients affected by primary soft tissue sarcomas of various primary sites, treated and followed up at the Centro di Riferimento Oncologico, Aviano, Italy from January 1985 to January 1997.
Results: Grade, size, stage, surgical margins, distant metastasis, age, sex, performance status, and haemoglobin value were significant for overall survival. Histology, grade, stage, and surgical margins were significant for local recurrence. Grade, size, and stage, were significant for distant recurrence; and surgical margin was significant variable for post-metastasis survival.
Conclusions: Grade, size, and TNM stage (UICC/AJCC) have stronger prognostic significance for overall survival and distant recurrence than for local relapse. Positive surgical margins are the main predictors for local relapse. Age was the most consistent adverse independent prognostic factor for survival.
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